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Chinese Outbreak -Is it the beginning of a New War!?

Abstract This is an article published by my research carried out with references to articles, medical documents, worldwide reports, local and global blogs and also media releases which serve sufficient information for all to understand the happenings around the globe. China have grown stable globally. They are powerful enough to control their target's pierce points, by the policies that they accept at standard terms, alter at stages when required and develop at a very efficient and potential point that make them strong enough internally that they have surpassed other countries in knowledge. T hey hunt down the basic substantial weapon of any aspect being knowledge. They had gained enough power to be doing business at low costs till a certain time period, to understand the system and bring out with a similar sub-module of their own. All these topics I will be explaining point by point over their business development and how their hunger for power and money in the world ha
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I am a web developer, designer and an MCA student currently living in Bengaluru, India. My interests range from technology to design. I am also interested in web development, innovation, and programming. You can click the button above to hire me. If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to say hello through any of the social links below. I am a positive thinking person and I always try to do innovative works in my life. I am a speaker of 5 different languages. I hold a BCA degree which in my education life I learned many new things to find better ways to change my world and the others. I love to explore myself rather than to accept what I am. I Want to always aim High at my work and strive Hard and smart to succeed in them. I love to learn as much as possible from others good work and implement it better in mine, with a touch of my own style to it. "Positivity can take us a step forward in life", is what I believe and is what I always follow. As with the flow of